API Reference

A quick reference to important LamAna objects.

Core Modules

input_ Classes and functions for handling user inputs.
constructs A module that builds core objects, such as stacks and laminates.
theories A interface between constructs and models modules.
output_ Classes and functions for handling visualizations, plots and exporting data.

Feature Modules

distributions A Feature Module of classes and functions related to stress distributions.

Auxiliary Modules

utils.tools Handy tools for global use.
utils.references A module for storing weblinks and references for package development.


models.Wilson_LT A sample class-style, custom model using a modified laminate theory.

LamAna Objects


input_.Geometry(geo_input) Parse input geometry string into floats.
input_.BaseDefaults() Common geometry strings, objects and methods for building defaults.
distributions.Case([load_params, mat_props, ...]) Build a Case object that handles User Input parameters.
distributions.Cases(caselets[, load_params, ...]) Return a dict-like object of enumerated Case objects.
constructs.Stack(FeatureInput) Build a StackTuple object containing stack-related methods.
constructs.Laminate(FeatureInput) Create a LaminateModel object.
theories.BaseModel() Provide attributes for sub-classing custom models.


theories.handshake(Laminate[, adjusted_z]) Return updated LaminateModel and FeatureInput objects.