LamAna Documentation

The LamAna project is an extensible Python library for interactive laminate analysis and visualization.

LamAna enables users to calculate/export/analyze data and author custom models based on laminate theory. Feature modules are used to plot stress distributions, analyze thickessness effects and predict failure trends.

User Benefits

The primary benefits to users is an scientific package with these characteristics:

  • Simplicity: given a model and parameters, analysis can start with three simple lines of code
  • Visualization: plotting distributions and physical representations
  • Analysis: fast computational analyses using a Pandas backend
  • Extensibility: anyone with a little Python knowledge can implement custom laminate models; otherwise, it is easy to learn
  • Speed: data computed, plotting and exported for dozens of configurations within seconds

Community Benefits

Long-term goals for the laminate community are:

  • Standardization: general abstractions for laminate theory analysis
  • Common Library: R-like acceptance of model contributions for everyone to use

Indices and Tables